H E L L O • F R I D A Y
Just a few of my essentials today. If you are an oily guy or gal, what are you using right now everyday? I love getting ideas!
We are basically diffusing Thieves 24/7 here. The crud is going around and I won’t go down without a fight lol. We don’t spray Lysol in this house but we do Thieves it up pretty hardcore.
The Endoflex I roll over my thyroid and liver everyday, (hey there happy hormones👋🏼) and the Valor roller helps me bravely do all the things. I roll this over my collarbone, my heart and my wrists every day, all day AND spray my “walk tall” body spray✌🏼
Rose ointment for this darn dry skin weather on my nose and the chap stick because I’m obsessed. Thieves hand purifier because there are people among us that don’t cover their coughs. Let me know all your must have’s right now!