Open shades is key to shifting my energy!

Every few days I make sure the windows stay open for a few hours to let old air out and new air in!

Always have a playlist ready for all of your music genre favorites! Here are my favorites:
- 70’s
- worship
- Greatest Showman
- 90’s hip hop
- 90’s alternative
- 80’s top hits
- Johnny Cash
- Selena

Diffusing oils is a must in the Wiginton home! We’ve noticed a huge difference in how we experience the spring sniffles since we’re constantly diffusing AND I love that diffusing oils supports our wellness AND our emotions…naturally!
- Winter: Christmas Spirit, Winter Nights, Peppermint & Stress Away, NLBS & Lavender, NLBS & Stress Away
- Spring: lemon & lavender + peppermint, Lushious Lemon, Eucalyptus Radiata & Lemon, Lavender & Orange, Lavender & Lemon
- Summer: Lushious Lemon, KidPower, Peace + Calming & Lavender & Stress Away, Citrus Fresh
- Fall: Thieves & Stress Away, Pumpkin Spice Blend, Hello Fall Blend

My morning routine is super important to me! I love when I get home from the gym because it’s time to sit in the stillness and quiet and start my quiet time rhythm.
- THE BIBLE RECAP: this is my daily reading plan! It’s an amazing plan for reading the Bible from beginning to th eend.
- READ MY DEVOTIONAL: Write that stood out to you. After this I hand write all the scriptures mentioned in the devotional. Storing God’s Word in our heart!
- DEAR JESUS: This is a “dear diary” kind of dialogue in your journal. Just talk to Him
- THANK YOU JESUS: Can you think of 3 things you’re grateful for? I try to get as simple as possible so I’m not just focusing on big obvious things. Where are the small miracles and blessings? Write this in your journal.
- PRAYERS: What are my prayers today? I write them next in my journal.
- AFFIRMATIONS: I hand write a truth over my day in my journal , which ends up usually being tied to what I read in my devotional.
- MAKE TODAY GREAT: list 3 things that would make today great. Don’t say things like “a sunny day.” You have no control over that. I say things like “good quality time with Milani” or “drink all my water.”
- 3 AMAZING THINGS FROM TODAY: save this for right before bed. All day long, you will see miracles everywhere to write down.
- READ A PSALM OR PROVERB A DAY there are 31 Proverbs so you could read a Proverb a day! If it’s a month that has less than 31 days, simply read extra on the last day.

Friendships are such a blessing in our lives (if we have friends that are a healthy influence). Friends that point me to Jesus, cheer me on, pray for me, respect and encourage my marriage to be the healthiest, and love me so much.
Other ways I like to shift my energy: putting my phone down in the early evening, unfollowing people on social media that aren’t healthy for me, and staying off social media.
What are some of your favorite ways to shift your energy?