Changing up your daily habits isn’t a bad thing, it’s your key to unlock your best life!
If you know me, it’s no secret to you that I love Mondays, a new month, and especially a new year. Creating new daily habits at those times are my favorite, but I also love to live my life by the seasons!
Whatever season we are walking into (winter, spring, summer, or fall) or coming out of, I always think of them as a good time to do a reset or reboot of some kind. Switch up those daily habits!

When spring hits, we feel that urge to get our hands in the dirt and plant seeds in the garden. When summer hits we want to bbq outside with friends and enjoy the sunlight from longer days. When fall hits we want to make soup and snuggle and watch movies. When winter is in full effect we drink more hot drinks and do a lot of baking inside where it’s warm.
As the seasons ebb and flow, so does your chance to craft the life you’ve always craved. Here’s my top FIVE times to reset my daily habits:
- when the seasons change
- back to school
- Monday’s
- the New Year
- whenever I feel like it’s time! (the Holy Spirit is your best helper & life coach)
Are you ready to hit that “reset” button?