If your routines are sticking, it’s probably because:
- they aren’t simple enough
- goal was made from your false self
- you’re expecting perfection
You can fix it! Here’s how…
1. Your routine has habits aren’t simple enough. If your physical health goal is to workout, you need to simplify that goal. Try “walk a mile every day after dinner and listen to my fav podcast”. See how specific and simple that is? It’s much easier to follow through with that plan!
2. Your habits were made from your false self. Your false self is full of ego, envy, and judgement. Try creating your habits out of curiostiy, love, and compassion for yourself insitead of goals that shame you.
3. Friend, stop expecting perfection out of yourself! Your daily routine will never go right, just accept that now…and it’s totally ok! We are creating daily habits with intention and we fully understandn it will never happen perfectly. Lay down the strict rules and be kind and soft to yourself. You will actually accomplish so much more with this kind of attitude towards yourself!
❓Wanna learn how to implement all of these into your daily routine??
✨Grab my Daily Routine Guide! I teach you everything I listed above and so much more. As a matter of fact, it’s my exact framework that I’ve used for NINE years!
🏁Grab the Daily Routine Guidebook HERE!