things I wish I knew sooner…
I want you to know that I see you.
I see the love and effort you pour into every moment of your day. But I also see those moments when you doubt yourself, when you wonder if you could have done more or if you wasted your weekend. I want you to know that you are not alone in feeling this way sometimes.
The truth is, being a mom is a beautiful journey, but it’s not always easy. Weekends can come and go, and it’s okay if they don’t always go as planned. It’s okay if the laundry pile grows taller, if you didn’t check off all the to-dos, or if you didn’t get that DIY project completed.
Here’s what I want you to remember:
Your time spent with your family is never wasted, no matter how it may feel. The laughter, the cuddles, the conversations, even the tears – these moments are what truly matter.
Every moment you spend with your children is an investment in their happiness and growth. The simple act of being present is a gift beyond measure.
Life is messy, and it’s perfectly imperfect. The messy kitchen, the scattered toys, the undone tasks – they’re all a part of a life well-lived.
You are doing an incredible job, and your love is enough. Your presence is enough. The fact that you’re there for your family, day in and day out, is a remarkable achievement.
So, to the mom who feels like she wasted the weekend, I want you to know that you are cherished, you are valued, and you are doing better than you think. Your love, your sacrifices, and your unwavering dedication make you an extraordinary mom.
Take a deep breath, let go of any guilt, and embrace the fact that you are giving your family the most precious gift of all – your love and your time.
None of it was wasted.

Get my step-by-step process on how to do this HERE.