It was my last Thanksgiving with my Dad, but I didn’t know it.
He was full of cancer, but we didn’t know it. He had a brain tumor growing that would eventually take his ability to walk without needing a walker and two people holding onto him, very tightly.
I don’t know what made me take this picture, but I’m so glad I did.
I’m so thankful I have focused very intently on living my life on purpose and even if circumstances or people can be hard to love, I just want to love them. I can look back today with so much gratitude that I have zero regrets with how I spent my time and energy with my Dad.
The small stuff doesn’t matter you guys. Your circumstances don’t have to change. You can just decide today, right now, that you are going to create the best holiday experience for yourself and your people…even if they’re not on board with the plan.
God is of course in charge of our lives, but we’re the ones steering the steering wheel. We have all the control of our emotional experiences.
I pray you are intentional with your time and energy this week. Study the wrinkles and hands of your parents as you sip coffee. Make a mental note of your kids laughs. Listen when they talk. Someday, these miracle moments will all you have to hold onto, so go find them🖤