I love a good morning routine!

Just because you didn’t create a morning routine doesn’t mean you don’t have one.

People tell me all the time that they don’t have a morning routine and here’s what I say to that:

Everything you do in the morning…that is your morning routine: hitting snooze, rushing around, feeling frazzled

If this is what it looks like, then this is your morning routine. (even if you’re not planning it)

But do not receive this in shame. Receive this as your true-self receives this…as clarity & wisdom!

Let’s do a quick little check-in with our truest selves:

We can decide today that we’re going to create the morning routine that will take us to that next level God is taking us.

We CAN create our life on purpose. So, what will it look like? You don’t have to be a better version of you first, just bring the YOU today!

Your true identity is who GOD says you are, and instead of thinking how can you FIX her, think HOW CAN YOU BE HER?

What does her morning routine look like?
How long does she leave her phone alone before she opens social media?
What are her morning beverages?

Does she start her diffuser when she wakes up?
How does she spend her time with Jesus?
What devotional is she reading?
Does she highlight in her bible?

What does she do to take care of her physical body?
How does she greet her husband in the morning? the kids?
What kind of food does she eat?

I know what your morning routine should look like.
It’s the morning routine your true self creates!


  • Terri vardeman

    My morning routine is pretty much the same Monday -Friday I get up take my morning med then go walk a couple of miles while listening to my Christian music and praying. Come home do a protein shake read my messages and emails and send out hb wishes. Bible study on Tuesday morning then a few chores around the house. Pretty much stay home and work on a few things study some and enjoy life. I do o enjoy a good Bible study and getting together with friends for some water aerobics when weather permits. Life is good man’s I do enjoy it.

    • Hattie

      oh my goodness hey Terri!!! Your morning routine sounds sooooo good! I love hearing what people do in their morning routines it’s so inspiring and encouraging. And I especially love how you said “enjoy life”. YES YES YES! have a wonderful summer!!

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