I honestly do not like bedtime. I do not like it Sam I Am. No matter how much structure I try to attach to it, there is always a battle. I am a mother to a teenager, a daydreamer and a fiery redhead. Lord help us mamas get our kids to bed!
First things first: we start all our diffusers! I let my kids pick out their favorite sleepy recipe.
Some of our favorite combos are:
• Lavender + Tangerine+ Cedarwood + Stress Away
• Sleepyize + Tangerine
• Lavender + Frankincense
• Stress Away + Lavender
• Orange + Stress Away + Orange
• Northern Lights Black Spruce + Cedarwood + Lavender
• White Angelica + Tangerine
If one of our kids is not feeling well, we will always diffuse Thieves.
Our emotions and immune system love it when we are diffusing our oils.

After we get the diffuser started, we grab our jammies and shut the door.
We want the entire room to fill with the essential oils! That way, when we walk back in, they are surrounded by all the oils.

My daughter loves picking oils for her bath! Her favorites are Stress Away + GeneYus. She says it makes her smart LOL.
Some other favorites to add:
Lavender: calming and great for sleep
Thieves: if she isn’t feeling well
RC: if she needs respiratory support
Valor: big emotions at night
Whatever we are diffusing that night is usually what goes into the bath. The kids love it!
We usually add a few drops of whatever oil with a tsp of coconut oil (so soft for the skin!) and a handful of Epsom Salt. (Mama does this too).
We love the KidScents Shampoo so much. Milani used to have bad dry patches on her scalp and we no longer have that issue.

I love making a pillow spray with our favorite nighttime diffuser blend!
In a 4 oz bottle: add 10 drops Lavender, 10 drops Stress Away, 10 drops Cedarwood and 10 drops Tangerine. Add a splash of witch hazel (helps keep oils blended) and top the rest with water.
A pillow spray is also a fun way to incorporate oils with our kids. Our favorite is a blend of lavender, cedarwood and tangerine. It smells so good! Milani loves to spray down her blankie and stuffed animals as well. Everything gets sprayed basically.

My kids use their wellness roller every single day. It’s so important to us that I even have it on their chore list! We have a few drops of Thieves essential oil in a 10mL roller and roll it along our spine and on our feet every morning and night.
Have you heard of the story of Thieves? You need to! We use Thieves to build up our immune system as well as clean our home. You can learn more about that here.

Bedtime wouldn’t be complete without a round of our supplements! We like to do our best to stay on top of wellness with our supplements and essential oils and our family has chosen Young Living products to meet our needs.
Have you tried essential oils for your bedtime routine? I would love to help you get your hands on your very own starter kit! You can learn more about that over here.
I hope this post has been helpful to you! I know it was a lot of information, and honestly there’s so much more you can do with your oils! Happy oiling! xoxo