Christmas moviessss! Our family time in the month of December is a big deal to us and we have a ton of advent and calendar activities! When our family is doing an activity we always having a Christmas movie on at all times, with holiday treats (of course) that match the movie. Magical festiveness. Give it to me please. Here’s a list of our favorite Christmas movies!

Homemade popcorn and hot chocolate along with our Christmas jammies and favorite blankies makes for some amazing holiday nights.
Here are our family favorites for those that need some ideas !

Planning activities during the month of December to soak in the holiday magicalness, doesn’t mean you have to do all the things. Put on a Christmas movie while you fold laundry or cook supper! Add in the festiveness however you can because the point is to make memories with your fam. (For ideas hop on over to my Holiday Calendar Pinterest board to get inspired.)
What is your favorite holiday movie and traditions? I love to get ideas! xoxo