Every few months I create a new workout playlist of worship songs when new songs come out so I decided to share them with you! I also use this playlist when I’m cleaning, so even if you don’t workout you can still use this list!
Keeping my playlist organized and in order, according to the structure of my workout, helps me get in tune with my workout mood and vibe. For example, I won’t be listening to something pumping me up as I warm up and stretch, or cool down. That’s just my personal preference. I need a certain type of song to warm up, a different kind for my workout, and then a cool down song. If my workout is cut short I will simply skip forward to where I need to be. It works for me!

I have a mixture of new and old songs in here, as well as ones that just fire me up inside. And when I’m attacking a leg day or cardio, I need my playlist to bring it.
If you don’t workout, then set out to create a walking plan. Walking is better than nothing and it can be done either inside on a treadmill or outside. Do not think that you have to go 100mph to create a healthy lifestyle. It’s actually setting out to work towards a goal and taking small baby steps over the course of a long time that creates the changes. You can do it friend!