Today I’m whipping up a batch of my favorite goats milk soap diy with my essential for all the skin support! Anytime I can use my essential oils for a product my family uses AND they love it…that’s a win folks! You’re going to love this DIY. Promise!
Let’s start with the ingredients you’ll need:
- 1 lb goats milk soap (here’s the one I get, it comes in (2) 1 lb blocks. I use one block at a time. When I buy this, it gives me two batches.
- essential oils (I use 25 drops of each oil)
- soap mold (here’s the one I use)
- coffee filters
- washi tape

This is the soap I buy currently. It comes in (2) 1 lb blocks, wrapped separately. I use one of the blocks (1 lb) at a time. So when ready to make a batch, I will take one of these blocks and cut into cubes.

Add your soap to a glass bowl because we will use the double-boiler method to melt the soap. I prefer not to use a microwave on it.

Add about 1-2 cups of water to the pot and set it on high.

I set my soap mold on a cookie sheet so it can sit level. That way, if I need to move the mold somewhere out of the way, it’s sturdy and the soap won’t spill out.

When the soap starts to melt, use a fork to stir the soap pieces. At this point I turn the heat down to medium so it doesn’t overheat. My goal is to melt the soap, not cook it 🙂

Turn the burner off when the soap is melted. Continue to stir for about a minute.

When the soap is melted, pour into a liquid measuring cup to slightly cool…slightly cool, not completely. The liquid measuring cup spout allows to pour into the mold easier. Add essential oils when it’s cooled for approximatley 5-10 mins. (The soap needs to be melted enough to mix and pour so don’t let it solidify before mixing and pouring into mold.)

These are the oils I used for this batch, but you can mix it up to be literally anything. That’s what I love about essential oils! They’re so versatile, and since everyone’s preferences and needs are different, you can mix up any concoction at all and never have to worry if you’re making a mistake. Just have fun with it!

Pour soap into molds but don’t fill all the way to the top. I leave 1/8-1/4 inch at the top.

Let set at least 2 hours. When completely set pop ’em out and get them wrapped up! Time for my favorite part…washi tape!

I wrap each bar of soap in a coffee filter and it works so dang good. Pick out a washi tape and let’s finish this!

I make my first folds on the short side of the soap. Personal preference!

Wrap the rest up and seal with washi tape.

All done! Our family is obsessed with this soap. It’s cost effective, super easy to make, and everyone can pick what oils they want…and they always love that part. These are great to give out as gifts and stocking stuffers! (along with a homemade room spray!)
Happy DIYing! xoxo
Patricia Holmes
I do decrotive bars. Different colors and scents. I have no been wrapping them. I put them in little boxes with windows so people can see them. I’m having a problem. I take one of each fragrance out of the box so people can smell them. The problem is they get shiny and oily. What have I done wrong? Why are the oils seeping out?
hmm I’m not sure! The oils I use don’t seep out of our bars. Completely dry. I use coffee filters to wrap mine and never has any oils seeped out. The goat’s milk I use is linked and all I use is Young Living oils.
GiGi DeLozier
I love learning. Can’t wait to try this ❣️