3 Things Fueling Overwhelm in your Home

I get it, the videos are cute and I get sucked in easy too. When you watch videos about minimalism or extreme organization, etc, pay attention to how it makes you feel. If you think you need to create this in your own home get, get curious on why and like your reasons.
If fads like these aren’t for you, then recognize that.
Our home is our sanctuary. It’s where we share life with our husband and kids. Where we rest, reset, and recuperate before we go back out into the world. No overwhelm allowed.
There is an emotional and mental burden to managing a home, make no mistake. Recognize when this is happening and address the mental stress with a plan. My weekend prep checklists will give you some relief pretty quickly! Comment CHECKLISTS and I’ll send the link right over!
Setting time boundaries for your chore systems is great because it holds you accountable, but be careful to not be too strict. I love time blocking and assigning theme days, but I also allow lots of flexibility to the plan.
Rigid scheduling leads to so much stress, especially if unexpected events come up. Let the plan serve you, not you serve the plan.