borrow this thought

It’s time for a little morning pep talk. The Lord gave me a word (more like a kick in the hiney) last year and it’s stuck with me ever since.
I’ve had enough of being the person that grabs her phone to scroll before I’m even awake long enough to realize what day it is.
I refuse to be that person—the one who’s so desperate to watch others live their lives on social media before I’ve even started mine. No way, not anymore. And the more I think about it, the more I see myself from a bird’s-eye-view and think, ya, I do not want to be someone that instantly reaches out instead of reaching in.
Borrow my new thought, you’re gonna love it.
“I show up for my life before I watch someone else live theirs.“
No social media whatsoever before I’ve done my morning routine. NONE.
Let’s be the girls that show up to their own life before they watch someone else live theirs.