We’ve been doing this mom gig for so long that when the kids get a little older and don’t need our attention every minute of the day, it does feels a little weird at first👀

For me, I felt a little selfish to start creating morning routines just for me that didn’t include the everyone else.

If your kids are getting older like mine, friend…yes you can start giving yourself more focus🥹

In fact, as a woman in her 40s, I feel even more encouraged to pay attention to what God nudging me towards because I still have so much to look forward to in the future and I want to be here for it🖤

And I’m not just talking about taking care of my physical body (although that’s where most of us start).

Mind, body, soul — how are you doing?

If you feel you’re ready to start focusing on yourself, you’re in the right place friend!

🏃🏼‍♀️do you what to be someone that walks in the morning?
📚maybe you want to be someone that reads before she starts her day
🫧or maybe you want to spend more time on self care before you go to work
☀️maybe you want to be someone that sips her coffee outside in the morning before the world wakes up

You get to decide!

✨What does the favorite version of you do to take care of herself? I know it might feel awkward at first, but that’s ok🫶🏻

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