We traveled to Wichita this weekend for our an MAYB basketball tournament. Our high school girls and boys both played in and it was just so much fun to all got to sit together and watch our kiddos play! We made a few new memories too by trying a couple new things. Aniston is really into golf right now so we surprised him with a trip to Top Golf! None of us had been before and we had so much fun. We also went to Chicken and Pickle for lunch on Sunday and made a mental note to book a court next time so we can try out pickleball!

I was hit with so much gratitude this weekend in our hotel, even though it felt hard preparing for Father’s Day and missing my dad.  I can still remember how painful a year ago felt, so even though it still feels hard, there’s relief from how last year felt.  And for that, I’m so grateful. God’s grace is always sufficient to make it through all trials and tribulations that come our way, friends.  He is so good. It was such a good weekend and I just kept focusing on how blessed we are to be together as a family, battle scars and all.

On our way home I got soooo car sick, so I had to close my computer and rest which totally made me mad lol. I had so many things I wanted to work on and I had to sit and rest…darn it. Never travel without your tummy roller you guys…when you feel bleh you want quick relief. (Grab your own DiGize oil HERE to make your own tummy roller! And don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging. I have education groups to plug you into so you get the support you need!)

And then today (Monday morning) I had a cyst cut out of my back and I literally can hardly move…which is really frustrating since last week was our busiest week and my house needs some TLC. THIS is why having my systems and routines is soooooo helpful you guys! I don’t have to worry or fret because my systems and routines work for me, especially in busy weeks like this.

Ok, let’s get to the meal plan! Like I said, we were out of town so I planned our meals for this week on the road and we stopped for the groceries on our way home so I could cook and prep it all today! I kept it super simple (seems to be a trend this summer) and my family was super happy to hear what they’re eating this week!





  • homemade uncrustables
  • grilled cheese
  • smoothies

BREAKFAST: our favorite breakfast casserole (it’s super easy!) and fresh strawberries and raspberries

DRINKS: In the summer my family loves that I keep fresh tea and lemonade in the fridge so it’s easy to grab and go!

* I am not adding the garlic bread and salad to the containers. I made a big batch of salad and kept it separately in a Tupperware in the fridge. After we heat up our meal we’ll add in the salad and garlic bread.

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