First, I must type a disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Having said that, elderberry syrup is fantastic for immune system support but don’t just take my word for it! I encourage you to research for yourself .
Elderberry syrup has become a daily regimen in the Wiginton household for a few years and we have had great success with it. I truly believe that God has given us all we need to keep ourselves healthy if we do some research of our own.
If you are not someone who wants to make your own elderberry syrup GOOD NEWS! Our local drug store carries it along with many other store chains in the supplement aisle so you can still have the benefits of elderberry without having to make yours homemade. I choose to make mine homemade because I like to be in charge of the ingredients and how it’s made. Make sure you read your labels so you know exactly what is in yours if you choose to buy your elderberry syrup. I will tell you that homemade is better for you and actually takes hardly any time.
It is recommended that adults drink 1 TBS every day and children drink 1 tsp each day for immune system support. When we are sick or are feeling like sickness is coming, we up that dosage to 3-4 times a day. Also, raw elderberries are never meant to be eaten alone. Just follow the recipe!
I also add essential oils to ours. If I’m gonna take a shot of an immune bomb juice, I want to add all the power punch I can.
*Note- I am only suggesting using Young Living Essential oils. I do not suggest using any other brand. I know nothing of other brands or how they are intended to be used.
- 1 cup dry European elderberries
- 1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
- 3/4 cup raw honey
- 9 drops Thieves Vitality
- 9 drops Lemon Vitality
- 9 drops Orange Vitality
Bring elderberries, blueberries and 3 cups of water to a boil. Once it starts to boil, turn heat down to low-medium and simmer for 45 minutes. Once 45 mins passes, turn burner off, cover, and let sit for 45 mins.
Using a fine mesh strainer, strain all liquid into a bowl. Using the back of a spoon, press lightly on berries to get all the liquid out. Add honey and stir to dissolve. Add essential oils. Pour into a storage bottle and cool completely before refrigerating. Mixture will keep for 3 months in fridge.
Take 1 TBS daily to boost immunity for adults and 1 tsp for children.
If sick, take that same amount three times a day, or every hour depending on how you want to handle the sickness.
Yields: about 2 cups

Magen Delgado
Where do you get your elderberries from
Amazon! It should be linked in the blog!
My favorite recipe! It’s so simple and basically fail proof. If you think making your own Elderberry syrup will be hard and overwhelming, think again. Just follow this recipe! Thanks Hattie!
Karen Davis
Thank you so much for the recipe. I’ve just purchased store-bought syrup but I’m going to try making my own.
You’re so welcome! You will love making it. It’s super easy and I always feel so empowered knowing I can provide such a powerful tool for my family❤️