Deuteronomy 7:22 | the Lord will deliver me little by little. Sounds super cute until you want deliverance and victory NOW. This verse also mentions He won’t permit wiping out all the obstacles all at once. Great. Sign me up.

My husband and I want victory NOW in our marriage. We don’t want to hurt anymore or struggle with our memories of hard stuff.
I want my businesses to thrive NOW. I work so hard and can always resort back to “this is too hard. I’m fooling myself into thinking I’ll ever be successful.”
I want victory NOW with my self-image. I don’t want to see imperfections.
God shocked me today when He reminded me of Deuteronomy 7:22. This is me leg pressing 270 lbs. I’ll try not to confuse you all, but 300 lbs is my max. If you’re not familiar, this means I was able to successfully press 300 lbs once, which was months ago. (October to be exact.) I do this so that I know what is a good challenging weight to lift daily. I do 70% of my max for regular workouts, which is 4 plates plus 30lbs, or 210 lbs total. So me leg pressing 270 as a full set was mind blowing to me. I would have never even attempted it but my husband kept throwing plates up and I didn’t argue. I normally press 4 plates…this is 6. I apologize for all the math this morning friends lol, but my point is…I am 30 lbs away from pressing my max as my regular workout, and I had no stinkin clue I was even close to this.
What you don’t know my looking at this picture is the MONTHS of doing simple leg days to build up my legs little by little. Five months to be exact. I have knees that will hurt me if I don’t give my leg days my attention. Little by little I keep showing up. Little by little I still walk on a treadmill at an incline and stretch, even on the days I don’t want to. Somedays when I’m stretching I’m also crying because I’m frustrated with an injury or simply frustrated with the entire chiseling process of my soul. Sanctification cuts me deep. And then a moment like today happens and I’m like “ohhhhhh ok God.”
Little by little GOD will get me leg pressing my max as a regular workout.
Little by little GOD will help our marriage to only hurt once every 15 days instead of every hour of every day.
Little by little GOD will show me how beautiful I am in so many new things in my soul that have nothing to do with my outside appearance.
Little by little GOD will breath creativity and inspiration into all of our businesses and I start creating things only God could dream up and I think wow He chose this wretch to do this?
Little by little friends. It won’t happen in big explosions. And sadly, I often want to give up on my marriage, healthy personal development, workouts and businesses because I want it to happen now. It hurts so bad in the waiting because we don’t see the progress every day when we truly focus on the little by little.
It seems like a complete waste of time to focus on stretching and doing small sets squats without weights every day for months.
It seems like a complete waste of time to continue to do our marriage counseling homework when lots of times we get angry, sad, frustrated or overwhelmed with what seems like easy homework.
It seems like a complete waste of time to keep dreaming up business goals when I sometimes only get one response when I put myself out there to share my heart and passion.
I keep forgetting that the lessons God wants to teach me has nothing to do with what I’m focusing on. He is seriously the MacGyver of life situations. He takes all of my random junk and makes it work. I can’t even digest it sometimes. “Ok…so He took this and He took that, and out of that He taught me THIS lesson and made this new revelation to me…what in the what?”
God will deliver you little by little friends. Make a list of your goals and frustrations and beside each of them write out what your little by little is. Do those over and over and trust that He will bring victory to you in His time. If five months go by and you’re still focusing on your little by little, you’re on track friends.
(Oh, and I’m not smelling my armpits in this picture. My husband caught me dancing. Leg day always brings out intense worship songs and booty music. My playlist would confuse you.)