You all know that our family loves our essential oils! I wanted to get essential oils to help support our immune system but I had no idea how much I would actually be using these oils for. Our family would not know what to do if we didn’t have our oils. I don’t have to stress about my kids using these because they are safe and all-natural. They have transformed our home and I know they will transform yours. Here’s a few ways we use essential oils every single day!

1. Get a good night’s sleep. Recharging our brain and immune system every night should be on everyone’s priority list. Thankfully, I have never really struggled with sleep, but this is actually one of the biggest complaints I hear from other’s that are wanting to see if essential oils can help them sleep better. Ever wonder why allllll the baby products have “lavender” scent? They think they’re addressing sleep, but unfortunately we were duped into thinking we were actually using real, therapeutic grade essential oils in our baby products…myself included. It may smell good, but there is zero therapeutic benefits to gain from them. Wah wah. Adding Lavender oil and Cedarwood oil in your baby’s diffuser every night is going to make the world of difference. Rub some on their feet and add a drop to their bath. You will notice a difference! There’s a ton of essential oils you can use for nighttime and we love coming up with blends to try!
2. Staying above the wellness line. This is the biggest reason I wanted to get essential oils. My husband was diagnosed with high cholesterol in 2010 and since then we have been on a mission to incorporate healthier everything into our home. (Read more about that here) We aren’t perfect in every area all the time, but we do know that when we aren’t feeling well, oils is what we grab FIRST. I have a home daycare, my husband is a high school teacher, and I have a child in every school here pretty much. We are bringing home all the germs and I was getting so tired of sickness taking us out one by one. Not to mention when the seasons change and the pollen starts to get at us. Adding oils to our daily routine has been a HUGE benefit for us all. Every home needs essential oils.
3. Hormonal and emotional support. I have always had irregular cycles my entire life as well as being diagnosed with PCOS back in 2008. As a woman, it’s so frustrating when you are hormonally out of whack. I was never told by a doctor how to focus on my hormonal imbalances, I was just told to get on birth control pills to balance my hormones. I didn’t want to do that. I’ve used essential oils since 2017 to address my hormones and I now have regular cycles! It makes a huge difference in my PMS and emotions. I’m grateful every day for being able to finally feel normal.
4. Muscle and joint support in the gym. I’m no young pup anymore so I have to really be conscious of being proactive with my body instead of waiting for a problem. Much easier to use oils to help support my muscles and joints every day instead of having an injury. But, even when I get injured I know I have the best thing for my body instead of using synthetic pain creams.
5. All the DIYS!! This is one of my favorites!! I love ditching a store-bought items and using my oils to diy and replace with a natural product. 100% safer, easy and so much cheaper! Room sprays, body scrubs, face serums and I could go on. DIYs are one of my favorite things to do with oils and trust me, they are not hard to do. The possibilities are endless. This is nothing new or a fad. These are things our great-grandmas did all the time to take care of needs.
6. In the bedroom. Yes I said it. There is an oil or two for that. Get yourself the Lucy Libido book and you will learn all about how to use essential oils for in the bedroom. Bow chicka wow wow.
7. Toxin-Free Cleaning. I grew up thinking the more a cleaner burned my nose and lungs, the better it was cleaning. Umm, that is absolutely not true. Making better choices for our families isn’t just about buying some essential oils. We can start by removing harmful chemicals lurking under our cabinets. We can replace them with safe, plant-based products that are actually more effective, from a company we can actually trust. It only takes 26 seconds for the chemicals in your household cleaners to enter your child’s bloodstream through their skin. What are your babies touching? Helping clean with? Breathing in? Theives Household Cleaner replaced every single cleaner in my home and it is perfection. It cleans better than conventional cleaners (I have pictures and pictures of moms doing this test at home and it is what it is folks) and I don’t have to worry about calling poison control if anyone messes with the Thieves Cleaner. The label on my Thieves dish soap says “if swallowed, drink plenty of water”.
8. Skin support. Noxema, Sea Breeze, Oil of Olay. Those three items used to be my routine and after researching the ingredients I trashed them. Now I use essential oils and my diys to take care of all my skin support! I love Tea Tree on acne spots and jojoba oil and Frankincense all over my entire face. When you use oils for one need you will always benefit from it in other ways also. Frankincense is such a calming, and grounding oil emotionally, so when I use it on my face for healthy skin, I’m also getting emotional support right before I go to bed.
9. Replace candles. I know I know candles are great for a cozy home. But diffusers give you such a cozy vibe too but without the toxic chemicals going into your lungs. Or your baby’s lungs. Candles, room sprays, and plug-ins may smell good, but they contribute to headaches, asthma and infertility. Google it yourself. But don’t be sad about the candles guys. Your home can still smell so so good with the magic of diffusers. It’s so much fun to discover new blends you like and customize them to your mood, holiday, wellness needs and more with pure essential oils that actually purify the air and improve your health.
10. Flavor your beverages and food. Exchange out peppermint extract with peppermint vitality. When a recipe calls for lemon zest use lemon vitality. (Blueberry Muffins with lemon oil is the best!!!) Add lemon vitality or to your water or lime vitality to your sparkling water. Mix it up because the possibilities are endless! Lemon vitality in your water is nothing like lemon juice squeezed in your water. Lemon oil is distilled from rind, while lemon juice is from the inside…and it’s super acidic and can upset your stomach and mess with the enamel on your teeth. No thanks. Lemon oil is a great oil for gentle cleansing, antioxidant support and metabolism support, which is why we love to put it in our water.

I hope this has been helpful for you to know how to use your oils or if you are considering to get started! You can find more information on getting started with essential oils here.
Heard enough and ready to get started? Let’s go! Visit my signup page here!
Also don’t forget to follow me over at The Essential Home on Facebook and Instagram where I share some simple tips if you don’t have an oil community. If you are already in my oil team, share this info with a friend so they can learn along with us! xoxo