I might be the only person that has a massive tree stump in their home as decoration lol😆

I have a highlight on my Instagram called “tree stump” that explains it all, but in a nutshell…

We see something on social media and we think “I should be doing that” and then we come up with a plan to implement it.

In the middle of our new plan, we see something new on social media and we think “oh wait, I should be doing that” and then we come up with a plan to implement it.

In the middle of our 87th plan, we see something new on social media and we think “oh wait, this is it, this is what I should be doing” and we come up with a plan to implement it.

Who else gets distracted when they see something new on social media? Who else has overflowing Pinterest boards of workouts, healthy food recipes, business ideas, and home projects?

🌳Now, picture a tree in your backyard. It represents whatever it is you’re wanting to achieve.

If you went outside and took 3 big whacks at it every single day, consistently, that tree WILL eventually fall down.

Here’s what I have done a lot in the past (and maybe you can relate):

Instead of taking 3 whacks at that tree that’s meant for us, we get distracted by a littlier tree (thinking it will be easier), a prettier tree (thinking it will be more fulfilling)…and on and on.

Pick your tree. Take 3 big whacks at it every day.

Stay with your tree. Don’t jump from tree to tree.

Friend…eventually, THAT TREE WILL FALL!

Make sure you find my Tree Stump high light if you want to hear the full story!

Did this resonate with you too? What goals in your life can you apply this to?

xo, hattie

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